/* 1: Color 1.1: redAncorColor 1.2: sBarBtn 1.3: text 1.4: FormFields 1.5: Theme 1.6: BorderColor 1.7: AddToCart 1.8: GrayBox 1.9: HowToUseText 2: UPPERCASE 3: BORDER RADIUS 4: BOXSHADOW 5: TRANSITION 6: TRANSFORM 7: GRADIENT 8: BORDER 9: Input Type Text 10: Input Type Button 11: Textarea 12: H2 13: Button 14: Select 15: Sidebar 15.1: Sidebar Btn 15.2: Sidebar Tab Panel Start Here 15.3: Sidebar Tab Target Start Here 15.4: Clipart Product 15.5: Product Tab 15.6: Text Tab 16: Product Color pallete Start Here 17: Product Thumbnail Start Here 18: Product Size Start Here 19: Product Price Start Here 20: Social Icon Start Here 21: Layer Panel Start Here 22: Product Design Editor Start Here 23: Language Panel 24: How To Use 25: SelectStyle 26: Shipping Cart 27: IPOD 28: LIGHTBOX 29: CLIPART TAB IN IPOD */ //Color @White: #FFF; @Black:#000; @darkgray:#62615c; //redAncorColor @aColor:#B5000B; //sBarBtn @GrayBtn:#93989e; @RedBtn:#fe7877; //text @GrayText:#c8c8c8; @BlackText:#000; @WhiteText:#fff; //FormFields @selectBox:#E2DFCE; @inputText:#E2DFCE; @button:#484843; //Theme @Theme:#E2DFCE; //BorderColor @BorderColor:#ada686; @FocusBorder:#43508e; //AddToCart @AddToCart:#28305f; //GrayBox @GrayBox:#e4e4e4; //HowToUseText @HowToUseText:#4C4B3E; //yellow alert background @yellowbg:#f7f4c1; //UPPERCASE .textTransform (@uppercase: uppercase) { text-transform: @uppercase; } //BORDER RADIUS .border-radius (@radius: 5px) { -webkit-border-radius: @radius; border-radius: @radius; } .border-radius-custom (@topleft: 5px, @topright: 5px, @bottomleft: 5px, @bottomright: 5px) { -webkit-border-radius: @topleft @topright @bottomright @bottomleft; border-radius: @topleft @topright @bottomright @bottomleft; } //BOXSHADOW .box-shadow (@x: 0px, @y: 3px, @blur: 5px, @alpha: 0.5) { -webkit-box-shadow: @x @y @blur rgba(0, 0, 0, @alpha); -moz-box-shadow: @x @y @blur rgba(0, 0, 0, @alpha); box-shadow: @x @y @blur rgba(0, 0, 0, @alpha); } .inset(@inset:inset, @x: 0px, @y: -5px, @blur: 0, @co: #fd4949, @bx: 0px, @by: 1px, @bblur: 2px, @alpha: 0.5){ -webkit-box-shadow:@inset @x @y @blur @co, @bx @by @bblur rgba(0, 0, 0, @alpha); -moz-box-shadow:@inset @x @y @blur @co, @bx @by @bblur rgba(0, 0, 0, @alpha); box-shadow:@inset @x @y @blur @co, @bx @by @bblur rgba(0, 0, 0, @alpha);} .insetHover(@inset:inset, @x: 0px, @y: -3px, @blur: 0, @co: #fd4949, @bx: 0px, @by: 1px, @bblur: 2px, @alpha: 0.5){ -webkit-box-shadow:@inset @x @y @blur @co, @bx @by @bblur rgba(0, 0, 0, @alpha); -moz-box-shadow:@inset @x @y @blur @co, @bx @by @bblur rgba(0, 0, 0, @alpha); box-shadow:@inset @x @y @blur @co, @bx @by @bblur rgba(0, 0, 0, @alpha);} //TRANSITION .transition (@prop: all, @time: .2s, @ease: ease-in-out) { -webkit-transition: @prop @time @ease; -moz-transition: @prop @time @ease; -o-transition: @prop @time @ease; -ms-transition: @prop @time @ease; transition: @prop @time @ease; } //TRANSFORM .transform (@rotate: 90deg, @scale: 1, @skew: 1deg, @translate: 10px) { -webkit-transform: rotate(@rotate) scale(@scale) skew(@skew) translate(@translate); -moz-transform: rotate(@rotate) scale(@scale) skew(@skew) translate(@translate); -o-transform: rotate(@rotate) scale(@scale) skew(@skew) translate(@translate); -ms-transform: rotate(@rotate) scale(@scale) skew(@skew) translate(@translate); transform: rotate(@rotate) scale(@scale) skew(@skew) translate(@translate); } //GRADIENT .gradient (@start: #ffffff, @stop: #000000) { background: @start; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 bottom, from(@start), to(@stop)); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(@start, @stop); background: -moz-linear-gradient(@start, @stop); background: -ms-linear-gradient(@start, @stop); background: -o-linear-gradient(@start, @stop); background: linear-gradient(@start, @stop); -pie-background: linear-gradient(@start, @stop); } //BORDER .border(@width:1px,@style:solid,@color:#d4d4d4){ border:@width @style @color; } //Input Type Text input[type=text]{ font:400 14px/23px 'Roboto', sans-serif; border:1px solid @BorderColor; .gradient(lighten(@inputText, 1%), @White); .border-radius(3px); .inset(inset, 1px, 2px, 2px, desaturate(@inputText, 50%), 0, 0, 0px, .5); padding:5px; .transition(); &:focus{ border-color:@FocusBorder; } } //Input Type Button input[type=button]{ .gradient(lighten(@button, 10%), @button); .border-radius(); color:@White; border:1px solid darken(@button, 10%); &:hover{ .gradient(@button, lighten(@button, 10%)); } } //Textarea .textarea-wrapper{ background-color:lighten(@Theme, 10%); border:1px solid darken(@BorderColor, 10%); .border-radius(5px); color:@Black; .inset(inset, 1px, 3px, 5px, desaturate(@Theme, 50%), 0, 0, 0px, .5); } //H2 h2 { color: @Black; font: 1.4em/16px "Chaparral Pro"; padding: 0 0 8px; text-align: left; .textTransform(); } // Button button{ .gradient(lighten(@button, 10%), @button); border:1px solid darken(@button, 10%); .border-radius(8px); color:@White; .transition(); &:hover{ .gradient(@button, lighten(@button, 10%)); } } .upload-photo-btn{ .gradient(lighten(@button, 10%), @button); border:1px solid darken(@button, 10%); .border-radius(8px); color:@White; font: 400 1.4em/34px 'Roboto', sans-serif; padding: 0 12px; word-spacing: 1px; display:inline-block; .transition(); &:hover{ .gradient(@button, lighten(@button, 10%)); } } //Select select{ .border-radius(8px); border:1px solid @BorderColor; //.gradient(@Theme + #111, desaturate(@Theme, 20%)); .gradient(lighten(@selectBox, 10%), @selectBox); margin-bottom:12px; } .sbHolder{ .border-radius(8px); border:1px solid @BorderColor; //.gradient(@Theme + #111, desaturate(@Theme, 20%)); .gradient(lighten(@selectBox, 10%), @selectBox); margin-bottom:4px; height: 36px; width: 100%; padding:0; box-shadow:none; } .sbOptions{ .gradient(lighten(@selectBox, 10%), @selectBox); border:1px solid @BorderColor; .border-radius(8px); } .sbOptions a{ border-bottom:1px solid @BorderColor; } //Sidebar Btn #sBarBtn{ a{ .border-radius(10px); color:@White; .gradient(lighten(@GrayBtn, 10%), @GrayBtn); .textTransform(); .transition(); .inset(inset, 0, -5px, 0px, darken(@GrayBtn, 18%), 0, 0, 2px, .5); &:hover{ .insetHover(inset, 0, -3px, 0px, darken(@GrayBtn, 18%), 0, 0, 2px, .5); } &.sBarRedBtn{ float:right; .gradient(lighten(@RedBtn, 10%), @RedBtn); .inset(inset, 0, -5px, 0px, darken(@RedBtn, 18%), 0, 0, 2px, .5); &:hover{ .insetHover(inset, 0, -3px, 0px, darken(@RedBtn, 18%), 0, 0, 2px, .5); } } } } //Sidebar Tab Panel Start Here #sBarTabWidget{border:1px solid @BorderColor; .border-radius-custom( 10px, 10px, 10px, 10px); #sBarTabs{ .border-radius-custom(10px, 0, 0, 0); &.active{ .border-radius-custom(0px, 0, 0, 0); } li{ .gradient( white, lighten(@GrayBox, 0%)); &.active:after{border-left: 9px solid darken(@BorderColor,30%);} &.active:before{border-right: 9px solid darken(@BorderColor,30%);} a{ .textTransform(); color:darken(@GrayBox, 20%); border-color: @BorderColor; } &.products a{ background-position: -87px -2px; } &.text a{ background-position: -179px -112px; } &.last{ .border-radius-custom(0, 10px, 0, 0); border-color: @BorderColor; span{ } &.last.active{ .border-radius-custom(0, 0, 0, 0); } } &.first{ .border-radius-custom(10px, 0, 0, 0); border-color: @BorderColor; span{ } } &.first.active{ .border-radius-custom(0, 0, 0, 0); } &.active{ .border-radius-custom(0, 0, 0, 0); border-color:@BorderColor; span{ display:block; } a{ background-position:13px -222px; font-weight:bold; color:@Black; } &.products a{ background-position: -87px -112px; } &.text a{ background-position: -179px -2px; } } } } //Sidebar Tab Target Start Here .sBarTarget{ //border:1px solid @BorderColor; //border-top:0px; //.border-radius-custom(0, 0, 10px, 10px); } } //Clipart Product .upload-container{ //.gradient(lighten(@Theme, 10%), lighten(@Theme, 5%)); //border:1px solid darken(@BorderColor, 10%); } .product{ //.gradient(lighten(@Theme, 10%), lighten(@Theme, 5%)); //border:1px solid darken(@BorderColor, 10%); //background:@White; .prev{ color:@Black; .textTransform(); &.active{ background-position: 0 -56px; } &:hover{ background-position: 0 -76px; } } .next{ &.active{ background-position: right 4px; } &:hover{ background-position: right -16px; } } li{ li{ border:1px solid @BorderColor; &.active{border-color:@FocusBorder; a{border-color:@FocusBorder;} } &:hover{ border-color:@FocusBorder; a{ border-color:@FocusBorder; } } } } } .collapse{ color:@Black; } //Product Tab // Text Tab .font{ color:@Black; } .font-style{ li{ background:desaturate(darken(@Theme, 20%), 50%); border:1px solid darken(@BorderColor, 20%); .border-radius(3px); .inset(inset, 2px, 2px, 3px, desaturate(@Theme, 50%), 0, 0, 0px, .5); color:lighten(@Black, 30%); &.active{ background:lighten(@Theme, 10%); color:@Black; border:1px solid @FocusBorder; } &:hover{ background:desaturate(darken(@Theme, 20%), 20%); } } } .font-detail{ border:1px solid darken(@Theme, 20%); .border-radius(3); //.box-shadow(2px ,2px ,3px,.9); } .shape{ li{ .gradient(lighten(@Theme, 10%), @Theme); .border-radius(3px); border:1px solid darken(@BorderColor, 10%); &:hover{ .gradient(@Theme,lighten(@Theme, 10%)); } } } //Product Color pallete Start Here .productColorWidget{ color:@Black; .textTransform(); li{ .border-radius(); &.active:before{ .border-radius(); border:2px solid @FocusBorder; } } } //Product Thumbnail Start Here .direction-link{ color:@aColor; span{ background-color:@GrayBox; } } #productThumb{ li{ //.gradient(white, lighten(@GrayBox, 0%)); border:1px solid @BorderColor - #222; &:hover{ // .gradient(lighten(@GrayBox, 0%), white); } &.active{ // .gradient(white, lighten(@GrayBox, 100%)); border-color:@FocusBorder; } span{ color:@Black; .textTransform; } } } //Product Size Start Here #productSize{ label{ color:@BlackText; } /* a{ .border-radius(); border:1px solid @Theme - #222; color:@BlackText; .gradient(lighten(@Theme, 10%), @Theme); &.active{ border-color:@FocusBorder; } &:hover{ .gradient(@Theme, lighten(@Theme, 10%)); } }*/ } //Product Price Start Here .productPrice{ .addCartBtn{ color:@White; .textTransform(); .gradient(lighten(@AddToCart, 30%), @AddToCart); .border-radius(10px); .inset(inset, 0, -6px, 0px, darken(@AddToCart, 18%), 0, 0, 2px, .5); &:hover{ .gradient(@AddToCart, lighten(@AddToCart, 30%)); .inset(inset, 0, -3px, 0px, darken(@AddToCart, 18%), 0, 0, 2px, .5); } } span{ color:@Black; small{ color:@White - #888; } } label{ color:@Black; } } //Social Icon Start Here .socialWidget{ background:@White; border:1px solid @BorderColor; color:@Black; span{ float:left; } ul{ float: left; padding-top: 3px; li{ float: left; margin-left: 16px; a{ display: block; line-height: normal; } } } } //Layer Panel Start Here .layerHeading{ .gradient(lighten(@button, 20%), @button); .border-radius-custom(10px, 10px, 0, 0); small{ color:@White; .textTransform(); } } #layerWidget{ ul{ .gradient(lighten(@Theme, 10%), darken(@Theme, 10%)); border:1px solid @BorderColor; .border-radius-custom(0, 0, 10px, 10px); li{ .gradient(lighten(@Theme, 10%), lighten(@Theme, 15%)); border:1px solid @BorderColor; span{ background:@White; border:1px solid @BorderColor; } small{ color:@Black; } strong{ border-left: 2px groove darken(@Theme, 10%); } a.top{ border-bottom: 2px groove darken(@Theme, 10%); } &.active{ border:2px solid lighten(@FocusBorder, 5%); padding:0px; .gradient(lighten(@Theme, 10%), darken(@Theme, 10%)); a.delete{ display:block; } } } } } //Product Design Editor Start Here #designEditor{ border:1px solid @BorderColor - #333; .border-radius(10px); } #designColorWidget{ color:@darkgray; span{ display:block; text-align:left; letter-spacing: 1px; word-spacing: 1px; } li{ .border-radius(3px); } a{ color:@darkgray; &:hover{ text-decoration:none; } } } .clipartRotator{ li{ .gradient(lighten(@Theme, 10%), darken(@Theme, 10%)); .border-radius(3px); border:1px solid darken(@BorderColor, 20%); &:hover{ .gradient(darken(@Theme, 10%), lighten(@Theme, 10%)); } } } .position-handler{ .position{ .gradient(lighten(@Theme, 10%), darken(@Theme, 10%)); .border-radius(11px); border:1px solid darken(@BorderColor, 20%); .box-shadow(0, 0, 1px, .5); &.left{ left: 0; top: 28px; } &.top{ left: 23px; top: 6px; } &.right{ left: auto; right: 2px; top: 28px; } &.bottom{ bottom: 5px; left: 23px; top: auto; } &:hover{ .gradient(darken(@Theme, 10%), lighten(@Theme, 10%)); } } } .degree{ span{ color:@darkgray; } input[type=text]{ .border-radius(3px); } } //Language Panel #language{ .language{ color:@Black; } } .how-to-use{ color:@Black; &:hover{ text-decoration:none; } } .top-text-panel{ dfn{ color:@GrayText; } } //How To Use .how-use{ color:@HowToUseText; background:@yellowbg; .border-radius(8px); .inset(inset, 0, 0px, 20px, @Theme - #222, 0, 0, 0px, .5); .how-to-use{ &.close{ background:none; } } &.msg{ p{ color:@Black; } } } //SelectStyle .size-drop{ .gradient(lighten(@inputText, 10%), @inputText); color:@Black; border:1px solid @BorderColor; .border-radius(8px); span{ border-left:1px solid @BorderColor; .border-radius-custom(0px, 8px, 0px, 8px) } } //Shipping Cart .ShoppingCart{ .border-radius(10px); ul.option-btn{ li{ a{ .gradient(lighten(@GrayBox, 10%), @GrayBox); .border-radius(5px); border:1px solid @BorderColor; .transition; color:@Black; } &.check-out a{ .gradient(lighten(@AddToCart, 30%), @AddToCart); .inset(inset, 0, -3px, 0px, darken(@AddToCart, 18%), 0, 0, 2px, .5); color:@White; border:0px; &:hover{ .gradient(@AddToCart, lighten(@AddToCart, 30%)); .inset(inset, 0, -0px, 0px, darken(@AddToCart, 18%), 0, 0, 2px, .5); } } } } } //IPOD .ipod-bottom{ a{ color:@Black; } } .tool-click{ span{ color:@White; } } //LIGHTBOX .ShoppingCart { h3{ color:@Black; } span{ color:@Black; } } //CLIPART TAB IN IPOD .i-pod-tab{ .border-radius(10px); border:1px solid @BorderColor; } #cliparts { .product { ul{ background:@White; border:1px solid @BorderColor; } } } // .open-icon{ //.gradient(lighten(@Theme, 10%), darken(@Theme, 10%)); //.border-radius(32px); //border:1px solid darken(@BorderColor, 20%); // .box-shadow(0, 0, 1px, .5); // color:@Black; }